Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A misunderstood woman!!!

Women are misunderstood when it comes to all aspects of life. Whos to say we dont know what we want or dont care about anyone other than ourselves. Women are the most caring creatures and often misunderstood because of a change in attitude or way of thinking. A woman shows love and kindness to any and all who crosses her path. There are times when she may be in need but have something that may help or encourage others, and gives it. Any woman, married, single, straight, gay, or bi, all have that one thing in common. It is a woman who shows the most unconditional love, a woman who heals cuts and wounds, a woman who lends an ear to those who want to talk or express feelings, a woman who will give you her last, a woman that can feed and nourish her young or anyone for that matter and a woman who gives birth to man and woman.
Like myself and other misunderstood women, we can withstand the test and trials of life and keep on stepping, we can travel along lifes journey and live on with others holding close and trailing right behind. No one fully understands how and why a woman would love and care for those that dont even reciprocate the same actions.
We as women have come a long way. From not being able to vote, to straightening our hair, moving into the workplace and even running our own businesses, woman have become an evolved being. So much progress has taken place and so much is still left to be conquered. A misunderstood woman sat on a bus in the wrong area in 1955, a misunderstood woman who invented the windshield wiper, a misunderstood woman who helped slaves to freedom, a misunderstood woman who became an astronaut, and a misunderstood woman who wants to work from home and be with her family and others more than not. How can we as women get men, other women and children to UNDERSTAND us? This journey will be long and hard even if we never live to see it take place. WHAT MAKES YOU A MISUNDERSTOOD WOMAN?!?!?!?


  1. Thanks for the follow on my blog! Following you back from MBC!

  2. Hi Ashley, thanks for following my on MBC. I'm following you back and I can't wait to read your ideas. Good luck on your job search. You'll find something!

  3. Hi, I'm following your blog from MBC. I hope all works out for you!

  4. Stopping by from MBC Follow Me Club to follow and say hello :)

  5. Hi! I'm visiting from Follow Me Club. Great blog.

  6. That's a pretty thought provoking post. I wish I knew the answer to that!

    I'm following from the Follow Me Club. :)
